002,"DEUD2","GRCPF","10000","20050907120940","+0300","20050907120940","+0300","20050907120940","+0300",3,11,,"09999","EUR",,3,"20050907100940","+0300","20050907100940","+0300",1500,,,150,3,,3 |
004,0,"01","1000000", |
005,0,,1 |
006,0,5,126683 |
007,1,"+0300" |
008,0,1,"491720062095" |
008,1,3,"" |
008,2,4,"" |
009,0,"Semantix" |
011,"202052251044710","306947322118",,,"09999","306944356917","306944356917","I_live_in_\"Athens\"","Attiki",,"GRCPF","20050907100940",1,30,"1",3,0,"1234",100,19440,"54321","Soho","Vodafone","12345","Athens","3503714561752906",,"21",,,0,314159265,0,0,,,,0,"100100100",,,"Semantix" |
In this example, the ASCII file contains records 002, 004, 005, etc. Each one of these records contains information from a specific section of the original TAP312 file. The information is represented by fields, separated with commas.
Each field's data originate from a specific TAP312 field: it is therefore described below by hyperlinks that link to the appropriate description from the GSMA TD57 standard.
Each field in itself can contain an integer value, a string value, or no value.
The overall file structure is simply a set of records (lines). The first record in the file can be "Header" or "Notification". These record types can only appear once, at the beginning of the file. There is a specific set of "allowed" record types that can follow each record type; this set is depicted in the "Record Types" table through indentation.
Header |
It contains file related information. This information has been taken from the following TAP3 structures
Transfer Batch
1 |
sender |
String |
batchControlInfo.sender |
2 |
recipient |
String |
batchControlInfo.recipient |
3 |
fileSequenceNumber |
String |
batchControlInfo.fileSequenceNumber |
4 |
fileCreationTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
batchControlInfo.fileCreationTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
5 |
fileCreationTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
batchControlInfo.fileCreationTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
6 |
transferCutOffTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
batchControlInfo.transferCutOffTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
7 |
transferCutOffTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
batchControlInfo.transferCutOffTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
8 |
fileAvailableTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
batchControlInfo.fileAvailableTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
9 |
fileAvailableTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
batchControlInfo.fileAvailableTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
10 |
specificationVersionNumber |
Integer |
batchControlInfo.specificationVersionNumber |
11 |
releaseVersionNumber |
Integer |
batchControlInfo.releaseVersionNumber |
12 |
fileTypeIndicator |
String |
batchControlInfo.fileTypeIndicator |
13 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
batchControlInfo.rapFileSequenceNumber |
14 |
localCurrency |
String |
accountingInfo.localCurrency |
15 |
tapCurrency |
String |
accountingInfo.tapCurrency |
16 |
tapDecimalPlaces |
Integer |
accountingInfo.tapDecimalPlaces |
17 |
earliestCallTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
auditControlInfo.earliestCallTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
18 |
earliestCallTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
auditControlInfo.earliestCallTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
19 |
latestCallTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
auditControlInfo.latestCallTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
20 |
latestCallTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
auditControlInfo.latestCallTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
21 |
totalCharge |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.totalCharge |
22 |
totalChargeRefund |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.totalChargeRefund |
23 |
totalTaxRefund |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.totalTaxRefund |
24 |
totalTaxValue |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.totalTaxValue |
25 |
totalDiscountValue |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.totalDiscountValue |
26 |
totalDiscountRefund |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.totalDiscountRefund |
27 |
callEventDetailsCount |
Integer |
auditControlInfo.callEventDetailsCount |
MobileOriginatedCall |
A Mobile Originated Call item represents either tele or bearer service usage originated by the mobile subscription. The subscriber is identified by either imsi and optionally msisdn, or by min and optionally mdn. Likewise, only one of imei or esn can be present but not both. Fields accessPointNameNI and accessPointNameOI should always be empty.
1 |
imsi |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.imsi |
2 |
msisdn |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.msisdn |
3 |
min |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.min |
4 |
mdn |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.mdn |
5 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
basicCallInformation.rapFileSequenceNumber |
6 |
calledNumber |
String |
basicCallInformation.destination.calledNumber |
7 |
dialledDigits |
String |
basicCallInformation.destination.dialledDigits |
8 |
calledPlace |
String |
basicCallInformation.destination.calledPlace |
9 |
calledRegion |
String |
basicCallInformation.destination.calledRegion |
10 |
sMSDestinationNumber |
String |
basicCallInformation.destination.sMSDestinationNumber |
11 |
destinationNetwork |
String |
basicCallInformation.destinationNetwork |
12 |
callEventStartTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
basicCallInformation.callEventStartTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
13 |
callEventStartTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.callEventStartTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
14 |
totalCallEventDuration |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.totalCallEventDuration |
15 |
simToolkitIndicator |
String |
basicCallInformation.simToolkitIndicator |
16 |
causeForTerm |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.causeForTerm |
17 |
recEntityCode |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.recEntityCode |
18 |
callReference |
String |
locationInformation.networkLocation.callReference |
19 |
locationArea |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.locationArea |
20 |
cellId |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.cellId |
21 |
homeBid |
String |
locationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeBid |
22 |
homeLocationDescription |
String |
locationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeLocationDescription |
23 |
servingNetwork |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingNetwork |
24 |
servingBid |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingBid |
25 |
servingLocationDescription |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingLocationDescription |
26 |
imei |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.imei |
27 |
esn |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.esn |
28 |
supplServiceCode |
String |
supplServiceCode |
29 |
thirdPartyNumber |
String |
thirdPartyInformation.thirdPartyNumber |
30 |
clirIndicator |
Integer |
thirdPartyInformation.clirIndicator |
31 |
camelServiceLevel |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelServiceLevel |
32 |
camelServiceKey |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelServiceKey |
33 |
defaultCallHandling |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.defaultCallHandling |
34 |
exchangeRateCode |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.exchangeRateCode |
35 |
discountCode |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discountCode |
36 |
discount |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discount |
37 |
discountableAmount |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discountableAmount |
38 |
camelInvocationFee |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelInvocationFee |
39 |
camelDestinationNumber |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.camelDestinationNumber |
40 |
accessPointNameNI |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.gprsDestination.accessPointNameNI |
41 |
accessPointNameOI |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.gprsDestination.accessPointNameOI |
42 |
cseInformation |
String |
camelServiceUsed.cseInformation |
BasicServiceUsed |
It contains information from the equivalent BasicServiceUsed of TAP3. Please note that TeleServiceCode and BearerServiceCode can not be both present or both empty in the same record instance. Either TeleServiceCode will be present and BearerServiceCode will be empty, or BearerServiceCode will be present and TeleServiceCode will be empty.
1 |
teleServiceCode |
String |
basicService.serviceCode.teleServiceCode |
2 |
bearerServiceCode |
String |
basicService.serviceCode.bearerServiceCode |
3 |
transparencyIndicator |
Integer |
basicService.transparencyIndicator |
4 |
fnur |
Integer |
basicService.fnur |
5 |
userProtocolIndicator |
Integer |
basicService.userProtocolIndicator |
6 |
guaranteedBitRate |
String |
basicService.guaranteedBitRate |
7 |
maximumBitRate |
String |
basicService.maximumBitRate |
8 |
chargingTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
chargingTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
9 |
chargingTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
chargingTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
10 |
hSCSDIndicator |
String |
hSCSDIndicator |
MobileTerminatedCall |
A Mobile Terminated Call item represents either tele or bearer service usage terminated by the mobile subscription. The subscriber is identified by either imsi and optionally msisdn, or by min and optionally mdn. Likewise, only one of imei or esn can be present but not both. Fields accessPointNameNI and accessPointNameOI should always be empty.
1 |
imsi |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.imsi |
2 |
msisdn |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.msisdn |
3 |
min |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.min |
4 |
mdn |
String |
basicCallInformation.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.mdn |
5 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
basicCallInformation.rapFileSequenceNumber |
6 |
callingNumber |
String |
basicCallInformation.callOriginator.callingNumber |
7 |
clirIndicator |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.callOriginator.clirIndicator |
8 |
sMSOriginator |
String |
basicCallInformation.callOriginator.sMSOriginator |
9 |
originatingNetwork |
String |
basicCallInformation.originatingNetwork |
10 |
callEventStartTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
basicCallInformation.callEventStartTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
11 |
callEventStartTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.callEventStartTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
12 |
totalCallEventDuration |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.totalCallEventDuration |
13 |
simToolkitIndicator |
String |
basicCallInformation.simToolkitIndicator |
14 |
causeForTerm |
Integer |
basicCallInformation.causeForTerm |
15 |
recEntityCode |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.recEntityCode |
16 |
callReference |
String |
locationInformation.networkLocation.callReference |
17 |
locationArea |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.locationArea |
18 |
cellId |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.cellId |
19 |
homeBid |
String |
locationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeBid |
20 |
homeLocationDescription |
String |
locationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeLocationDescription |
21 |
servingNetwork |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingNetwork |
22 |
servingBid |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingBid |
23 |
servingLocationDescription |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingLocationDescription |
24 |
imei |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.imei |
25 |
esn |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.esn |
26 |
camelServiceLevel |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelServiceLevel |
27 |
camelServiceKey |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelServiceKey |
28 |
defaultCallHandling |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.defaultCallHandling |
29 |
exchangeRateCode |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.exchangeRateCode |
30 |
discountCode |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discountCode |
31 |
discount |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discount |
32 |
discountableAmount |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discountableAmount |
33 |
camelInvocationFee |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelInvocationFee |
34 |
camelDestinationNumber |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.camelDestinationNumber |
35 |
accessPointNameNI |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.gprsDestination.accessPointNameNI |
36 |
accessPointNameOI |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.gprsDestination.accessPointNameOI |
37 |
cseInformation |
String |
camelServiceUsed.cseInformation |
SupplServiceEvent |
A Supplementary Service Event element represents usage of supplementary services or an USSD message. The supplementary service can happen outside or in conjunction with a standard call dependent on network configuration. The subscriber is identified by either imsi and optionally msisdn, or by min and optionally mdn. Likewise, only one of imei or esn can be present but not both.
1 |
imsi |
String |
chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.imsi |
2 |
msisdn |
String |
chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.msisdn |
3 |
min |
String |
chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.min |
4 |
mdn |
String |
chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.mdn |
5 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
6 |
recEntityCode |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.recEntityCode |
7 |
callReference |
String |
locationInformation.networkLocation.callReference |
8 |
locationArea |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.locationArea |
9 |
cellId |
Integer |
locationInformation.networkLocation.cellId |
10 |
homeBid |
String |
locationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeBid |
11 |
homeLocationDescription |
String |
locationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeLocationDescription |
12 |
servingNetwork |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingNetwork |
13 |
servingBid |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingBid |
14 |
servingLocationDescription |
String |
locationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingLocationDescription |
15 |
imei |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.imei |
16 |
esn |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.esn |
17 |
supplServiceCode |
String |
supplServiceUsed.supplServiceCode |
18 |
supplServiceActionCode |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.supplServiceActionCode |
19 |
ssParameters |
String |
supplServiceUsed.ssParameters |
20 |
chargingTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
supplServiceUsed.chargingTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
21 |
chargingTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargingTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
22 |
chargedItem |
String |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.chargedItem |
23 |
exchangeRateCode |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.exchangeRateCode |
24 |
callTypeLevel1 |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel1 |
25 |
callTypeLevel2 |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel2 |
26 |
callTypeLevel3 |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel3 |
27 |
discountCode |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.discountInformation.discountCode |
28 |
discount |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.discountInformation.discount |
29 |
discountableAmount |
Integer |
supplServiceUsed.chargeInformation.discountInformation.discountableAmount |
ServiceCentreUsage |
It contains information taken from the equivalent record of TAP3. The subscriber is identified by either imsi and optionally msisdn, or by min and optionally mdn.
1 |
imsi |
String |
basicInformation.chargeableSubscriber.gsmChargeableSubscriber.imsi |
2 |
msisdn |
String |
basicInformation.chargeableSubscriber.gsmChargeableSubscriber.msisdn |
3 |
min |
String |
basicInformation.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.min |
4 |
mdn |
String |
basicInformation.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.mdn |
5 |
chargedPartyStatus |
Integer |
basicInformation.chargedPartyStatus |
6 |
nonChargedNumber |
String |
basicInformation.nonChargedNumber |
7 |
clirIndicator |
Integer |
basicInformation.clirIndicator |
8 |
originatingNetwork |
String |
basicInformation.originatingNetwork |
9 |
destinationNetwork |
String |
basicInformation.destinationNetwork |
10 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
11 |
servingNetwork |
String |
servingNetwork |
12 |
recEntityCode |
Integer |
recEntityCode |
13 |
chargedItem |
String |
chargeInformation.chargedItem |
14 |
exchangeRateCode |
Integer |
chargeInformation.exchangeRateCode |
15 |
callTypeLevel1 |
Integer |
chargeInformation.callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel1 |
16 |
callTypeLevel2 |
Integer |
chargeInformation.callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel2 |
17 |
callTypeLevel3 |
Integer |
chargeInformation.callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel3 |
18 |
discountCode |
Integer |
chargeInformation.discountInformation.discountCode |
19 |
discount |
Integer |
chargeInformation.discountInformation.discount |
20 |
discountableAmount |
Integer |
chargeInformation.discountInformation.discountableAmount |
21 |
messageStatus |
Integer |
scuChargeType.messageStatus |
22 |
priorityCode |
Integer |
scuChargeType.priorityCode |
23 |
distanceChargeBandCode |
String |
scuChargeType.distanceChargeBandCode |
24 |
messageType |
Integer |
scuChargeType.messageType |
25 |
messageDescriptionCode |
Integer |
scuChargeType.messageDescriptionCode |
26 |
depositTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
scuTimeStamps.depositTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
27 |
depositTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
scuTimeStamps.depositTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
28 |
completionTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
scuTimeStamps.completionTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
29 |
completionTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
scuTimeStamps.completionTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
30 |
chargingPoint |
String |
scuTimeStamps.chargingPoint |
GprsCall |
GPRS Call is used to represent GSM General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and UMTS packet switched service usage. The subscriber is identified by either imsi and optionally msisdn, or by min and optionally mdn. Likewise, only one of imei or esn can be present but not both. Field CAMEL Destination Number should always be empty. Instead, fields accessPointNameNI and accessPointNameOI should be used for identifying the CAMEL server.
1 |
imsi |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsChargeableSubscriber.chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.imsi |
2 |
msisdn |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsChargeableSubscriber.chargeableSubscriber.simChargeableSubscriber.msisdn |
3 |
min |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsChargeableSubscriber.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.min |
4 |
mdn |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsChargeableSubscriber.chargeableSubscriber.minChargeableSubscriber.mdn |
5 |
pdpAddress |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsChargeableSubscriber.pdpAddress |
6 |
networkAccessIdentifier |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsChargeableSubscriber.networkAccessIdentifier |
7 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.rapFileSequenceNumber |
8 |
accessPointNameNI |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsDestination.accessPointNameNI |
9 |
accessPointNameOI |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.gprsDestination.accessPointNameOI |
10 |
callEventStartTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.callEventStartTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
11 |
callEventStartTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
gprsBasicCallInformation.callEventStartTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
12 |
totalCallEventDuration |
Integer |
gprsBasicCallInformation.totalCallEventDuration |
13 |
causeForTerm |
Integer |
gprsBasicCallInformation.causeForTerm |
14 |
partialTypeIndicator |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.partialTypeIndicator |
15 |
pDPContextStartTimestamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
gprsBasicCallInformation.pDPContextStartTimestamp.localTimeStamp |
16 |
pDPContextStartTimestamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
gprsBasicCallInformation.pDPContextStartTimestamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
17 |
networkInitPDPContext |
Integer |
gprsBasicCallInformation.networkInitPDPContext |
18 |
chargingId |
Integer |
gprsBasicCallInformation.chargingId |
19 |
locationArea |
Integer |
gprsLocationInformation.gprsNetworkLocation.locationArea |
20 |
cellId |
Integer |
gprsLocationInformation.gprsNetworkLocation.cellId |
21 |
homeBid |
String |
gprsLocationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeBid |
22 |
homeLocationDescription |
String |
gprsLocationInformation.homeLocationInformation.homeLocationDescription |
23 |
servingNetwork |
String |
gprsLocationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingNetwork |
24 |
servingBid |
String |
gprsLocationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingBid |
25 |
servingLocationDescription |
String |
gprsLocationInformation.geographicalLocation.servingLocationDescription |
26 |
imei |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.imei |
27 |
esn |
String |
equipmentIdentifier.esn |
28 |
iMSSignallingContext |
Integer |
gprsServiceUsed.iMSSignallingContext |
29 |
dataVolumeIncoming |
Integer |
gprsServiceUsed.dataVolumeIncoming |
30 |
dataVolumeOutgoing |
Integer |
gprsServiceUsed.dataVolumeOutgoing |
31 |
camelServiceLevel |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelServiceLevel |
32 |
camelServiceKey |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelServiceKey |
33 |
defaultCallHandling |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.defaultCallHandling |
34 |
exchangeRateCode |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.exchangeRateCode |
35 |
discountCode |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discountCode |
36 |
discount |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discount |
37 |
discountableAmount |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.discountInformation.discountableAmount |
38 |
camelInvocationFee |
Integer |
camelServiceUsed.camelInvocationFee |
39 |
camelDestinationNumber |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.camelDestinationNumber |
40 |
accessPointNameNI |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.gprsDestination.accessPointNameNI |
41 |
accessPointNameOI |
String |
camelServiceUsed.threeGcamelDestination.gprsDestination.accessPointNameOI |
42 |
cseInformation |
String |
camelServiceUsed.cseInformation |
ContentTransaction |
It contains information taken from the equivalent record of TAP3.
1 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.rapFileSequenceNumber |
2 |
orderPlacedTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.orderPlacedTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
3 |
orderPlacedTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.orderPlacedTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
4 |
requestedDeliveryTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.requestedDeliveryTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
5 |
requestedDeliveryTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.requestedDeliveryTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
6 |
actualDeliveryTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.actualDeliveryTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
7 |
actualDeliveryTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.actualDeliveryTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
8 |
totalTransactionDuration |
Integer |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.totalTransactionDuration |
9 |
transactionStatus |
Integer |
contentTransactionBasicInfo.transactionStatus |
10 |
equipmentIdType |
Integer |
chargedPartyInformation.chargedPartyEquipment.equipmentIdType |
11 |
equipmentId |
String |
chargedPartyInformation.chargedPartyEquipment.equipmentId |
12 |
contentProviderName |
String |
servingPartiesInformation.contentProviderName |
ContentServiceUsed |
It contains information taken from the equivalent record of TAP3.
1 |
contentTransactionCode |
Integer |
contentTransactionCode |
2 |
contentTransactionType |
Integer |
contentTransactionType |
3 |
objectType |
Integer |
objectType |
4 |
transactionDescriptionSupp |
Integer |
transactionDescriptionSupp |
5 |
transactionShortDescription |
String |
transactionShortDescription |
6 |
transactionDetailDescription |
String |
transactionDetailDescription |
7 |
transactionIdentifier |
String |
transactionIdentifier |
8 |
transactionAuthCode |
String |
transactionAuthCode |
9 |
dataVolumeIncoming |
Integer |
dataVolumeIncoming |
10 |
dataVolumeOutgoing |
Integer |
dataVolumeOutgoing |
11 |
totalDataVolume |
Integer |
totalDataVolume |
12 |
chargeRefundIndicator |
Integer |
chargeRefundIndicator |
13 |
contentChargingPoint |
Integer |
contentChargingPoint |
14 |
paidIndicator |
Integer |
advisedChargeInformation.paidIndicator |
15 |
paymentMethod |
Integer |
advisedChargeInformation.paymentMethod |
16 |
advisedChargeCurrency |
String |
advisedChargeInformation.advisedChargeCurrency |
17 |
advisedCharge |
Integer |
advisedChargeInformation.advisedCharge |
18 |
commission |
Integer |
advisedChargeInformation.commission |
LocationService |
It contains information taken from the equivalent record of TAP3.
1 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
2 |
recEntityCode |
Integer |
recEntityCode |
3 |
callReference |
String |
callReference |
4 |
equipmentIdType |
Integer |
trackingCustomerInformation.trackingCustomerEquipment.equipmentIdType |
5 |
equipmentId |
String |
trackingCustomerInformation.trackingCustomerEquipment.equipmentId |
6 |
equipmentIdType |
Integer |
trackedCustomerInformation.trackedCustomerEquipment.equipmentIdType |
7 |
equipmentId |
String |
trackedCustomerInformation.trackedCustomerEquipment.equipmentId |
8 |
lCSRequestTimestamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.lCSRequestTimestamp.localTimeStamp |
9 |
lCSRequestTimestamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.lCSRequestTimestamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
10 |
horizontalAccuracyRequested |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.horizontalAccuracyRequested |
11 |
verticalAccuracyRequested |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.verticalAccuracyRequested |
12 |
responseTimeCategory |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.responseTimeCategory |
13 |
trackingPeriod |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.trackingPeriod |
14 |
trackingFrequency |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosRequested.trackingFrequency |
15 |
lCSTransactionStatus |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.lCSTransactionStatus |
16 |
horizontalAccuracyDelivered |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.horizontalAccuracyDelivered |
17 |
verticalAccuracyDelivered |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.verticalAccuracyDelivered |
18 |
responseTime |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.responseTime |
19 |
positioningMethod |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.positioningMethod |
20 |
trackingPeriod |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.trackingPeriod |
21 |
trackingFrequency |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.trackingFrequency |
22 |
ageOfLocation |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.lCSQosDelivered.ageOfLocation |
23 |
chargingTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
locationServiceUsage.chargingTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
24 |
chargingTimeStamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
locationServiceUsage.chargingTimeStamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
MessagingEvent |
1 |
messagingEventService |
Integer |
messagingEventService |
2 |
imsi |
String |
chargedParty.imsi |
3 |
msisdn |
String |
chargedParty.msisdn |
4 |
publicUserId |
String |
chargedParty.publicUserId |
5 |
homeBid |
String |
chargedParty.homeBid |
6 |
homeLocationDescription |
String |
chargedParty.homeLocationDescription |
7 |
imei |
String |
chargedParty.imei |
8 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
9 |
simToolkitIndicator |
String |
simToolkitIndicator |
10 |
servingNetwork |
String |
geographicalLocation.servingNetwork |
11 |
servingBid |
String |
geographicalLocation.servingBid |
12 |
servingLocationDescription |
String |
geographicalLocation.servingLocationDescription |
13 |
eventReference |
String |
eventReference |
14 |
locationArea |
Integer |
locationArea |
15 |
cellId |
Integer |
cellId |
16 |
serviceStartTimestamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
serviceStartTimestamp.localTimeStamp |
17 |
serviceStartTimestamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
serviceStartTimestamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
18 |
nonChargedPartyNumber |
String |
nonChargedParty.nonChargedPartyNumber |
19 |
nonChargedPublicUserId |
String |
nonChargedParty.nonChargedPublicUserId |
20 |
exchangeRateCode |
Integer |
exchangeRateCode |
21 |
callTypeLevel1 |
Integer |
callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel1 |
22 |
callTypeLevel2 |
Integer |
callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel2 |
23 |
callTypeLevel3 |
Integer |
callTypeGroup.callTypeLevel3 |
24 |
charge |
Integer |
charge |
MobileSession |
1 |
mobileSessionService |
Integer |
mobileSessionService |
2 |
imsi |
String |
chargedParty.imsi |
3 |
msisdn |
String |
chargedParty.msisdn |
4 |
publicUserId |
String |
chargedParty.publicUserId |
5 |
homeBid |
String |
chargedParty.homeBid |
6 |
homeLocationDescription |
String |
chargedParty.homeLocationDescription |
7 |
imei |
String |
chargedParty.imei |
8 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
9 |
simToolkitIndicator |
String |
simToolkitIndicator |
10 |
servingNetwork |
String |
geographicalLocation.servingNetwork |
11 |
servingBid |
String |
geographicalLocation.servingBid |
12 |
servingLocationDescription |
String |
geographicalLocation.servingLocationDescription |
13 |
locationArea |
Integer |
locationArea |
14 |
cellId |
Integer |
cellId |
15 |
eventReference |
String |
eventReference |
16 |
serviceStartTimestamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
serviceStartTimestamp.localTimeStamp |
17 |
serviceStartTimestamp_utcTimeOffsetCode |
Integer |
serviceStartTimestamp.utcTimeOffsetCode |
18 |
causeForTerm |
Integer |
causeForTerm |
19 |
totalCallEventDuration |
Integer |
totalCallEventDuration |
20 |
nonChargedPartyNumber |
String |
nonChargedParty.nonChargedPartyNumber |
21 |
nonChargedPublicUserId |
String |
nonChargedParty.nonChargedPublicUserId |
Notification |
A Notification file is sent where the transfer mechanism is electronic file transfer and there is no data available for transfer. All items within the group are mandatory except RAP File Sequence Number which is conditional and File Creation Timestamp which is optional.
1 |
sender |
String |
sender |
2 |
recipient |
String |
recipient |
3 |
fileSequenceNumber |
String |
fileSequenceNumber |
4 |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
String |
rapFileSequenceNumber |
5 |
fileCreationTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
fileCreationTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
6 |
fileCreationTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
fileCreationTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
7 |
fileAvailableTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
fileAvailableTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
8 |
fileAvailableTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
fileAvailableTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
9 |
transferCutOffTimeStamp_localTimeStamp |
String |
transferCutOffTimeStamp.localTimeStamp |
10 |
transferCutOffTimeStamp_utcTimeOffset |
String |
transferCutOffTimeStamp.utcTimeOffset |
11 |
specificationVersionNumber |
Integer |
specificationVersionNumber |
12 |
releaseVersionNumber |
Integer |
releaseVersionNumber |
13 |
fileTypeIndicator |
String |
fileTypeIndicator |